Okay, Barty; you look suspiciously like you are…up to something!
I wonder; was he “throwing the bones” (fortune telling) or collecting some from the seabed?
alt.text: “Fish Finder” … I vote for the two swimming around in the last panel. The giant (and colorful!) escargot should end up on my plate, with some melted butter on the side. 😉
Nice call. Also, next time we see Bartholomew, it’ll have to be another bloodbath.
Whoops, I meant Daedalus.
Okay, Barty; you look suspiciously like you are…up to something!
I wonder; was he “throwing the bones” (fortune telling) or collecting some from the seabed?
alt.text: “Fish Finder” … I vote for the two swimming around in the last panel. The giant (and colorful!) escargot should end up on my plate, with some melted butter on the side. 😉