And I’m back! I’ve replaced nearly all my computer hardware, and it’s nice to finally have a working machine. I also bought a new Cintiq 22 touch. It’s really nice! I feel like I can finally see a good chunk of my image while I’m drawing it.
In other news, Minnesota is experiencing a heatwave so it’s pretty unpleasant in the afternoons and evenings around here. The weather reports make it look like it will last for another week! I hope not.
Hope you’ve all enjoyed your summer. Keep your fingers crossed that my electronics stay in working order.
Yikes! It’s getting REAL!!
Nice to know he cares. And by that I mean he could have ran off and let them be dog food. I bet his magic is dependent on whatever mythical creature or spirit is nearby and he cant act until he knows which one.
or… he is a horrible person intent on watching a wolf eat to people.
either or really.
Joel! Grab the knives!!
(Welcome back, Mark!)