I’m moved into my new apartment and got my computer set up. Still waiting for a second delivery on Monday.
Also, in this week’s voting incentive, that’s Tracy and not Joel. Tracy and Joel are nearly identical without their coat colors filled in. Joel has a charm around his neck and slightly longer hair. I was never expecting Tracy to become such a prominent character, so I just designed him as a generic goat. 🙂
glasgow grin.
Them’s some baaaaaaaaaaaad bunnies…
To be fair, the fox was covering them with a gun for most of the last month. 🙂
How come the general is coming out of the cave in the cutoff, yet doesn’t appear in the big panel. Just saying…
What are these, pirates?? D:
At first I’d thought they’d captured Kim, but then I realized their colors were different. The edit helped with that too. 🙂
Technically they’re privateers, so you can think of them as legal pirates.
Yep, Kim’s still up at the cave. That’s Scott they have there, who was covering Annie and the rabbits earlier.
Oh, so they’re professionals. Guess they must be good at making people smile. 😛
I was NOT expecting the hostage to have a name, but I think it’s awesome that he does!